Anyone for Oat bread?

Perfect for a wheat replacement we’d like to share an @home oat bread. This recipe was kindly shared with us by Thunders operation manager, Kerry, while we are all at home during this coronavirus pandemic.  Like many of us Kerry prefers to take a rest from wheat from time to time and replaces her bread with this oat bread.  Kerry tells us how she enjoys the  many health benefits of oats including the higher levels of protein and soluble fibre for better digestion of her food. As a wholegrain food Oats are also quite filling and are slow release so they’ll keep you fuller for longer.

Here’s what you’ll need


Anyone with special dietary requirements fancy some Oat Bread?
Anyone with special dietary requirements fancy some Oat Bread?

360g rolled oats

500g natural yogurt

1 egg

2tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp salt


  1. Preheat your oven to 180•C
  2. Mix the yogurt, soda and salt together in a bowl. It’ll rise and bubbles will appear!
  3. Lightly whisk the egg in a small separate bowl
  4. Add the oats and waisted egg to the yogurt mix
  5. Line a baking tray with parchment paper, add the mix and bake for 50 minutes
  6. Remove the bread from the tray and bake for another 8-10 minutes
  7. Allow the bread to completely cool before slicing


We hope you enjoy Kerry’s Oat bread.  Don’t forget to be social and share.  We can’t wait to see your bakes


💖 Valentines Day 💖

Valentine’s Day is now live

It’s the Last day to pre- order today for Friday 14th  

💖Galentine’s 💖

options also available this year!